Surrounded By Him

In my reading recently, I’ve come across a number of scriptures that make reference to God “surrounding” us. So, I started thinking about what that really means. The best place to begin is always with a definition. According to the dictionary, “to surround” means “to enclose on all sides; to be everywhere around something; to encircle; or to enfold, or to envelop.”

Can you imagine, for a moment, a time in your life when you felt completely surrounded? It’s interesting how our minds immediately go to situations of being surround by danger, or surrounded by enemies – having no way of escape! While that is certainly one description of being surrounded, let’s take a moment to think about what it feels like to be surrounded by love, or joy, or family, or immersed in peace. Being surrounded includes before, behind, to the right, to the left, over, and under – and everything in between!

In the case of God‘s surrounding us, it means He (who is everywhere present) covers us with His love and peace. He tells us that there is nowhere we can go to be away from His Presence. In the Rotherham version we find this scripture: “For your Van-guard is the Lord, and your Rear-guard is the God of Israel.” – Isaiah 52:12

This scripture tells us two things about God. First, He goes before us in order to guide us; second, he comes behind us to guard and protect us. In Job 23:10 we find the following: “…He knows the way that I take…” While this verse speaks about Job’s faith in God’s love and infinite care of him, it also comforts us. God knows the way that we take, even when we can’t easily see Him or know where He’s leading us.

One of my favorite passages is found in Psalm 139:5 – “You have enclosed me behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me.” I recently came across it in the Message translation, and it can easily speak to the situations we face as widows. “I look behind me and you’re there, then up ahead and you’re there, too – your reassuring presence coming and going. This is too much, too wonderful – I can’t take it all in! – Psalms 139:5-6.

In Psalms 125:2 we read this promise: “As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people from this time forth and forever.”

By now, you’re probably asking what this “surrounded by God” thing really feels like and how does it apply to your life as a widow? Imagine a cold wintery night when you’re wrapped up in your cozy electric blanket. Or maybe it’s a 100-degree day, and you dive into the cold, clear water of a northern Minnesota lake.  Or perhaps it’s that first moment of immersion into a whirlpool hot tub. Or a big bear hug when you most need it from a friend. These all describe moments when we feel “surrounded”, and they generally have with them sensations of being immersed in something, or filled with comforting emotions.

How can we transfer those feelings of being enveloped in something pleasant to our experience of God? One of the first things we can do is to acknowledge and remind ourselves of His promises. For instance:

·       “The Lord is near; do not be anxious about anything.” – Philippians 4:5-6 NIV

·       “Fear not for I am with you.” – Isaiah 41:10

·       “Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go.” – Genesis 28:15

·       “Speak, and do not keep silent; for I am with you.” – Acts 18:9-10

·       “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” – Hebrews 13:5

As widows, our temptation is to feel isolated and alone. The first step is to tell yourself the truth! You are never alone, according to the promises of God! As a widow, you have the opportunity to experience God’s Presence in ways that others don’t. (An interesting study is to check out all the verses in the Bible where God speaks of His special care for widows!) You can talk to Him, and sing to Him, and worship freely in your home, and no one will think you’re crazy – except maybe the dog! He is with you!!

The second step is to be intentional about your awareness of God’s presence with you. Are you feeling alone? Do you sometimes feel that God is far away? Or that He has forgotten you? I challenge you to sit down and quiet your heart. Allow yourself to connect with Him, and just sense His Presence wrapping around you and comforting your heart. He has never gone away from us; we’ve just stopped making room for Him in our daily activity.

As always, your thoughts and comments are welcome here, or you can email me at If you’re looking for a new purpose and a pathway to move ahead, please consider joining one of our Refocusing Widows groups, either in person or online. You can register online at We look forward to meeting you!

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