The Healing Touch

What happens when we lose one of our five senses? (You remember: hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, touching?) That is a remarkably interesting scientific question! In recent years, studies have shown that the brain is wired in such a way that specific areas are assigned to specific senses. When we lose one sense, for example our eyesight, that section of the brain becomes available and can be reassigned to other sensory tasks. This explains why someone who is blind often has heightened hearing or smelling abilities.

Did you know that touch is one of the first senses developed by an infant? What baby isn’t soothed while being held and comforted by its mother? As we grow into adults, touch continues to play a significant role in helping us to feel loved, protected, calmed, and cared-for. Studies have shown that our physical, emotional, and mental health are profoundly impacted by the quality and quantity of touch that we give and receive.

You may be asking, “What are the benefits of touch?” Some studies have shown that appropriate touch can actually lower stress hormones, promote relaxation, and lessen our anxiety. That touch may only consist of a pat on the back or a touch on the shoulder, but it can serve to enhance our general well-being and quality of life.

Do you remember those orphanage studies from Romania back in the 1990’s? That research showed that infants who were left without significant touch as part of their care failed to thrive, showing us that caring touch is essential to development and a healthy life.

Research has shown that touch can calm our nervous center, slow our heartbeat, lower blood pressure, and help with emotional bonding in relationships. Depression decreases, and stress and anxiety levels are lowered. PET scans have shown that the brain quiets when a person’s hand is held, especially if the hand being held is that of a loved one. Surprisingly, even our immune system and our ability to fight off diseases is governed by human touch!

Most widows would agree that significant touch is missing in their lives! That person who used to hug them and hold their hand is no longer with them. If they are quite elderly, they may be living in a situation where family isn’t close by, and no one really expresses affection for them. Is it any wonder they may struggle with loneliness and depression, and eventually fail to thrive? All too often, they just give up on living and slowly fade away – due in part to this huge need that could be easily met! I once heard someone say that we need seven (7) hugs per day in order to feel “alright”! Stop a moment and consider. Do you receive this many hugs or significant touches every day?

In the book of James in the New Testament, we are told to lay hands on the sick, and to pray for them, and they will recover. Perhaps a portion of that healing comes from the mere fact that there is human touch and expression of caring! In following Jesus through His ministry, we see how frequently He touched those needing healing…especially those rejected by their community. Touch was so important to Him that He knew immediately when someone with faith for healing touched Him!

It’s not unusual at all for a widow to have some significant physical/health problem present itself within the first year after her husband dies. According to what we’ve just read, some of this could be due to the fact that she is now living alone with a much lower level of human interaction and touch than she has known previously. She may be recovering from an intense period of caregiving, and her own immune system may be compromised. If this is so significant, our next question could be, “How do we increase Touch in our lives?”

One possibility that is backed up by Mayo Clinic is to get a pet! Now, this may not be the answer for everyone, but pets have proven to be beneficial in the following ways:

  • They relieve loneliness by keeping us company and giving us someone to talk to.
  • They make us laugh with their funny antics, lifting our mood and lowering stress.
  • They give us comfort during emotionally challenging times.
  • They encourage us to exercise, get outdoors, go for walks.
  • They provide us with routine and purpose.
  • They enhance our social connections. Who doesn’t want to play with your puppy?
  • They provide all sorts of touch! Petting, grooming, walking, sleeping on your bed, snuggled beside you on the couch. These demonstrations of their connection with you bring all kinds of benefits for your health and immune system.

If you are blessed to have family close by, spend time playing with the little ones. They are always great for hugs and hand-holding! And don’t forget to hug your own adult kids and grandkids! Hugs count – whether you’re giving or receiving – it’s all about human touch and connection.

Which brings us to another aspect of this thing about touch. How about being a bit more intentional about reaching out to touch other people? You can have a role in giving comfort and encouragement simply by patting someone’s shoulder or holding their hand for a moment. When someone else is hurting or struggling, perhaps you can be the one to GIVE the hug first! (Hint: make sure it would be welcomed first!)

While it may not be directly talking about touch, Jesus gives us a picture of being held in the Father’s hand in John 10:28-29.

“And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.”

If you find yourself today missing the connections that touch brings, let this Scripture sink deep into your heart. God holds you securely in His great hand, and that touch is the most significant of all. Meanwhile, consider ways that you can increase the level of touch in your daily life. You may find that the benefits are well worth the effort!

As always, your thoughts and comments are welcome here or you can email me at If you’re looking for a new purpose and a pathway to move ahead, please consider joining one of our Refocusing Widows groups, either in person or online. You can register at We look forward to meeting you!

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