Last week I introduced a concept that may have been new to some of you: Partnering with God. Today I’d like to unpack that a bit more and, in the process, remove some of the confusion and inadequate (or errant) teaching surrounding spiritual gifts. Defining and talking about how to use spiritual gifts is a topic for another day. However, today I want us to look at how we can use those gifts in the way God has intended. Take a look at the following diagram for a moment, and then we’ll continue with the discussion!

Partnership for Ministry

Romans 12:6-8          I Corinthians 12


  •  Human needs God wants to meet.
  •  Opportunities to Serve
    I Peter 4:10


1. Motivational gift
2. Natural Abilities
3. A willing, yielded heart
4. An attentive spirit


1. Manifestations of His Spirit
2. Anointing
3. All the Resources of heaven and earth

Results of Partnership


1. Salvation
2. Healing
3. Deliverance
4. Discipleship


1. We become more conformed to the image of Christ.
2. Areas of Deeper Growth are identified.

First, let’s consider what we mean by “partnering with God.” When boiled down to its essence, a partner is someone with whom you share life, a project, or a business. Your spouse is your partner in marriage, a teammate can be a partner to accomplish a goal, or you may have a business partner who co-owns your business. A partner typically shares in both the responsibilities and benefits of the project or business in which they are involved.

Having a partner means you aren’t alone. There’s always someone to help carry the load of responsibility, to try out your ideas, to help you during the times of struggle, and to share your celebrations when things go really well. Having God as our partner in what we are trying to accomplish takes things to a whole new level of clarity and purpose.

Is it truly possible to partner with God? Yes! Take a look at these scriptures:

Philippians 2:13 – “For it is God who works in you both to will and to do of his good

I Corinthians 3:7,9 – “So then neither is he that plants anything, neither he that
waters; but God that gives the increase. For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, God’s building.”

We work together with God to accomplish whatever is on His heart at any given moment in any given situation. What an amazing thought! Something inside me wants to jump up and down saying, “Pick me! Pick me!”

Take a look at the earlier diagram. At the top, you find “Ministry Opportunities”. These can appear before us in the form of human needs that God wants to meet or just an opportunity to serve others. I Peter 4:10 says, “As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” God’s heart is to see that these needs are met, and we get to help him!

All of your life, God has been busy creating and wiring you uniquely, giving you experiences that equip you for your intended purpose, bringing significant people into your life, and giving you spiritual gifts. He has equipped and prepared you, and Ephesians 2:10 says that He has even planned out good deeds ahead of time that you can choose to walk in! You bring to the need an attentive spirit, a willing heart, and everything God has put into you throughout the course of your life.

So, what does God bring to this partnership? He brings the Anointing – which is a concentration of the Presence of God in a given place at a given time. It’s not something He gives to you permanently. It’s something He shares with you for the purpose of accomplishing His will. He brings all the Character Attributes – which we will take a look at in another conversation. He brings love, mercy, omniscience,
omnipotence, omnipresence, and everything else that He is. And, finally, He brings all the resources of heaven and earth, which are always at His disposal.

When we apply all of this to human needs and opportunities for service, some powerful things begin to happen. First, human needs are met. People are saved, healed, delivered, and discipled. Provision is made for whatever else they need as God moves in power with us. Second, we grow in spiritual maturity. We identify areas of personal growth, and we become more conformed to the image of Christ as we submit what we have to Him, and work in tandem to extend the Kingdom.

There is no mystery when it comes to spiritual gifts. They are, first and foremost, tools that God gives us to accomplish the work of the Kingdom. They are not intended for entertainment or performance!! They are intended for work….work in partnership with the Father as He builds the Kingdom and we help Jesus build His Church.

So, as a widow, you still have much to offer when it comes to partnering with God. He has invested a great deal into getting you trained and equipped. In the Refocusing Widows groups, we take a look at this process, and help widows consider what God might be saying to them about their purpose. You may be without your spouse, but don’t allow the enemy to define you by what you’ve lost. Move your eyes to what you have, what God has given you to enjoy, and what He is still calling you to accomplish for the Kingdom.

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